Admin Area

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The Admin area is accessed by appending a /Admin to the end of the Student Portal web application URL. For example, if the URL is then the Admin area is accessed at


The Configuration page contains the basic settings for the web application.

External Base URL - the full external URL for the Student Portal web application. E.g.,

Title - the title shown at the top of each Student Portal page.

Logo Image URL - the relative or absolute URL to a logo image that is displayed at the top of each Student Portal page. The image is always displayed at 100 pixels in width.

Default Page - the default page that is displayed when a student or staff user accesses the site. It can be either Student Details or Payments.

GP and CRM Connection - the connection settings for the Student Portal to access the Microsoft Dynamics GP and/or Microsoft Dynamics CRM SQL Servers.

User Source Connection - the optional connection settings for a SQL Server database that contains information to link student login names to Microsoft Dynamics GP Debtor IDs.


The Administrators page allows all the Administrator logins to be maintained. An Administrator account is required to access the Admin area of the application, but it cannot be used to access the student and staff area.

New accounts can be created, and existing accounts can be edited, deactivated, or deleted. Note that each username and email address must be unique across all the Administrators.

IP Restrictions

The IP Restrictions page maintains the list of allowed IP addresses that can access the Admin area of the application. An ordered list of IP address ranges can be configured, with each entry either allowing or denying access. Existing entries can be reordered or deleted. New entries can be created.

User Roles

Once a user has been authenticated, User Roles determines if they are assigned to the Staff role, the Student role, or if they are denied access.

By default, the Student role is set to allow everyone, except for the listed usernames. And the Staff role is set to allow only the listed usernames and deny all others.

Add role members to the Staff role to allow these users to perform Staff-level actions in the student area of the application.


The Portal configuration page contains all the settings for the student area of the application.

Student Details

Student Details page enabled? - enables or disables the Student Details pages.

Edit Student Fields - opens a new page where fields from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Contact record can be selected. These fields are the ones displayed to the student to view or amend.

CRM Contact field containing SSO Login ID - tells Student Portal which field on the Contact record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM contains the Shibboleth name identifier for the student.

CRM Contact field containing Microsoft GP Customer Number - tells Student Portal which field on the Contact record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM contains the Customer Number, or Debtor ID, for the student.

Email address to notify of new change requests - an email is sent to this email address whenever a student submits a change in the details.

Notification 'From' email address - the 'From' email address to use for these notification emails.


Payment page is enabled? - enables or disables the Payment pages.

Payment Provider - selects which supported payment provider to use.

Payment Provider Settings - opens a new page where the account details required for the chosen payment provider can be entered.

Minimum payment amount - sets the minimum value allowed for an online payment.

Maximum payment amount - sets the maximum value allowed for an online payment.

Create Microsoft GP payments - sets whether a Receivables Payment record is created for completed online payments.

Create Microsoft GP applies - sets whether the newly created Payment record is applied to Invoices, etc. automatically.

Microsoft GP Chequebook ID (leave blank to default) - sets the Chequebook ID to use when creating a payment. Leave blank to use the Microsoft Dynamics GP default.

Microsoft GP Batch Number prefix - a value to prefix to the Batch Number used for new Payments.

Microsoft GP Batch Number (leave blank to default to 8-digit date) - a value to use as the Batch Number for new Payments. Leave blank to default to today's date expressed as an 8-digit number.

Generate numeric suffix for Microsoft GP Batch Number - sets whether to suffix the Batch Number with an incrementing number, ensuring the Batch Number is always unique.

User Source

A User Source table or view can be used to find the Microsoft Dynamics GP Debtor record for a student. It is used when this information is not available from either Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Table or View name - the table or view name containing the user information.

Field Name containing SSO Login ID - the field in the table or view that contains the Shibboleth name identifier for the student.

Field Name containing Microsoft GP Customer Number - the field in the table or view that contains the Microsoft Dynamics GP Debtor ID for the student.

Field Name containing First Name - the field in the table or view that contains the student's first name.

Field Name containing Last Name - the field in the table or view that contains the student's last name.

Terms and Conditions URL

A URL to a web page containing the terms and conditions for your Student Portal web site. If entered, a link to this URL will be included on the student pages.

Registration Keys

Each module within Student Portal requires registration keys from Nolan Business Solutions. Enter the registration keys that match your Site Name and GP Version number that are displayed at the top of this page.


SMTP Server - the hostname or IP address of your SMTP server.

SMTP Encryption - choose the type of encryption supported by your SMTP server, either None or Secure Connection (equivalent to TLS or SSL encryption).

SMTP Port - the port number of the SMTP service on your SMTP server.

SMTP Username - the username to use when authenticating with your SMTP server.

Change Password - opens a new page where the password to use when authenticating with your SMTP server can be set.

Emails From - the 'From' email address to use for alert emails.

Alert Emails To - the 'To' email address to use for alert emails.


The Log page displays the internal Student Portal system log. Look in here to troubleshoot errors with Student Portal and when working with Nolan Business Solutions' support team to resolve issues.

Next Chapter: Student and Staff Area
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