System Components

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System Components

eRequest Web Application

Runs as a Web Application on the Web server,eRequest requires a database to store its data which is required to be on the same SQL Server as the Dynamics GP databases (Collation of the DBs must also match). The clients for the web application connect to it using a Web Browser (eg. Internet Explorer, Edge etc.).

This allows users to enter, submit and approve Requests. Requests can be transferred to Dynamics GP Purchase Orders and Shipment Receipts can be created (without a Dynamics GP client being installed on the user’s machine). Purchases orders can be printed (using a PDF viewer).

Configuration of eRequest is also performed through the Web Application.

eRequest Deployment Manager

This tool is used to build the eRequest Database and perform database maintenance tasks when installing or upgrading to a new version.


eRequest Agent

This is a windows service, which can be used to schedule various tasks in eRequest.


Dynamics GP Interfacing Components

eConnect is supplied by Microsoft, it is installed as part of the main Microsoft GP product.

Next Chapter: Preparing the Web Server
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