Appendix A: Microsoft Dynamics GP Modifications

Last updated

The Intercompany windows are made available on the following menus for the companies selected in the install:

Tools, Setup, Financial, Intercompany Postings

Intercompany Setup - The general Intercompany Postings setup window.
Accounts Setup - The Intercompany Accounts Setup window.
Alternate Accounts Setup - The Alternate Accounts Setup window.
Template Setup - The Intercompany Templates Setup window.
Remote Company Setup - The Remote Company Export Setup window.

Transactions, Financial, Intercompany Postings

Import Intercompany Tranasactions - The Destination Company Import window.
Export Remote Transactions - The Remote Company Export window.

Reports, Financial, Intercompany Postings

Intercompany Reports - Intercompany Report Options window.

For SQL Server installs, the following stored procedures are created or changed in each of the company databases selected in the install:

New Procedures Created

ncCreateInterfaceRec -  ncCreateHistoryInterfaceRec,
ncBuildAccountString - ncMatchAccountToTemplate,
ncMCVerifyForClearingTrx -  NCglpCopyAltICToWork

Existing Procedures Replaced

glpPostToCurrentYear -  glpPostToHistoryYear
glpPostNormalTransaction - glpCopyJEToWork

Each of the stored procedures replaced will first rename the original by appending a ‘Backup’ suffix, e.g. glpCopyJEToWork becomes glpCopyJEToWorkBackup.


Next Chapter: Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions
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